Gianna Tours Goldspohn Hall
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So this strike building in front of me across from the business center is Gold Spot Hall. So gold Spawn is home to the College of Arts Sciences is, Well, a CZ communication in media studies, global studies, philosophy, philosophy and political science. So this was originally another science building on campus, way back one, but they've renovated it a couple times to kind of fit what goes into people's majors and kind of like the location of everything. So this is really convenient for people that live on the north end of campus and then people that are typically around this area for classes. Is it related to what I'm sitting with? My major, but everything is conveniently located in one place on each floor. So typically you will have classrooms, faculty offices in the dean, at least from this floor, conveniently located within proximity of everything you'll be needing. Then you also have a little lounge located here on the main floor, and then over here are some faculty offices in the corner for each department. Then also there is a student lounge right around the corner that students can utilize it anytime that you want just a study or came back with friends.