Gianna Shows Off Jefferson Lawn
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So this large area over here is known as Jefferson Law. At North Central Stepherson, Lana's typically a good spot for people to hang out and kind of get events going outside when it's warmer out. It is mid March right now, so it is a little chilly in Illinois, So as you can see, there's not anybody around. It's around the residence halls and the science center around campus. It's kind of located in the central area of campus, and it's a great way for residents and commuters, as well as just students in general or faculty, even to get involved in events on campus. Um we have a little lounge connected to one of the residents halls here for residents or communities that wanted to play ping pong or get work done in the quieter environment. Then also there is a fire pit on this side for people. Teo kind of come rent out the fire pit and get events going when it's nice, they're out and make smores or just kind of have a campus event first in organization on campus,.