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So today is college moving day, and we are just packing up the final things. As you can see, I still have a lot of stuff over there, and something's over here. I'm gonna put my makeup in the bag, but it looks really clean for me. Are you excited that it's 4 30? I'm gonna be able to sleep here a little bit. You gonna sleep on the life? Yeah, Well, he's gonna miss you, you know. Well, you're gonna have to contain your excitement. So here is the car all packed up with Tubbs and then in the back of my mind, I have my linens and stuff like that. Hey, all it's really dark outside because it's 4 30 and the morning. Thio, get one of the residential storage parking places. We're still, like, three hours away or something, but it's really dark. It was raining really hard a minute ago and it was foggy, so it's really hard to see where we're going. It's still pretty dark outside, as you can tell, but we've stopped for a second and then we're gonna get back on the road. Okay, so it is No. 7 41 I I missed my exit. So I had Thio go through this whole thing for, like, 40 minutes trying to get back Thio where my family was because I couldn't get over because a trucker guy blocked my exit. So we just had that whole ordeal and now we're back on the road. So here we are. So the way we're thinking that this is gonna work is that my mom is gonna get in my car and drop me off at my dorm so that I can go and get my key and go ahead and get it in there and everything. Then they're gonna bring the stuff on this like trolley that the school is providing. Like I said, I think we're gonna go by the dorm. My mom is going to go and park the cars where we're supposed to park them during moving days that I could go get my key and go to my room. Down here on this little beach area that they have, they're having their check in. It's really really these are the more Hi, your design team is here. Like things about my social media stuff like that on my desk, a stillness. Then we have our tiles over here, and we have this little antler thing for, like, my robe or something. Car ends the gallery wall ourselves, put something on there, can't decide what I'm gonna put the desk is still a mess. Then same thing up there, the walls and we hung up that antler like I showed. Then I home my hats, my robe and put bag right there to challenge right there. It's up there, but I've put like shorts and undergarments in that. So we went ahead. And so I just want to show now that we have a little more stuff in here. Then I still just have my bed and my desk is still miss like always and then hung up all my clothes. I haven't put it out yet, and then we put the fridge on one of the things that storm or in and all her steps and bags, which is a really smart way for her to bring it. So my roommate just went to dinner, so I'm just gonna finish up showing around what we've done with the dorm so far. So as you come in over here, I'm just turn the switch and see what you see. So her clothes right here and then we got our fridge and little thing and the microwave, some storage up there. Shoes, towels, the betting that you seen, I cleaned off my desk a little bit. So does it better I put my Jr Carter slog back there. Now insert my code here for you, and then over here I have my little corner that I love. I was gonna put my instagram and Twitter and all that right there. Then I just have some hooks with my totes in my robe thing right there. We laid out our super cute rug and I'll just briefly go over hers just cause this is her space. Later I will do a more told room tour with, Like where I got things and what I'm storing where, like what? I'm storing all up there in these drawers and whatnot. Oh, in nts you for 20% off and you can see this full tank, including the super cute back in my video that I just posted before this one.