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Hey, buddy, what we doing today? We're moving you in. We just spray painted the walls, which was super cool up here and up here. Also did a bunch of activities and games cards miss humanity to cars he was using about state moving. Been serving so well? That's something to get to class every day. Another thing I didn't really touch upon Is this betting like so flush foam pad in there. I am doing the kickstart event for the honors and scholars villages. We go outside and do it attitude and stuff and I got hot glass bead making. You all right? I'm gonna give you many room tour, biological, all that good memorabilia, posters, materials living on almost nothing in America. I feel like I have to use our fuel bad. My premium collection of clothing shoes in here. This is my friend Mirror, who's my best friend in here the first day of classes. Significant for me, because this is literally what I've worked for my entire educational career. You know what? I do know One thing it's gonna be fun. Let's get this bread. I think I'm ready. Oh, God, your ointments earlier you see you miss my little What do you think? Your first day of class. Okay, really? I just got back from my first day of classes. I took political science, which was top of this awesome, super cool Italian dues. Then I went to my honors music seminar, which was so sick, and there's so many cool people in there with somebody from backgrounds and music Already met a couple good friends in that class. Some other interest meetings for some campus ministry life and stuff like that. I'm just I'm just so excited like they're still literally like I've never been involved in anything close to like the amount of stuff I got to do here. College is my place is my from taking It's yours for the taking two during college, and I encourage you got every single that possible because it's literally, like, made this week the best week ever. All right? 321 I have lost 4 30 So looks like a pretty good almost scuba diving Swam continuously for 10 minutes. No, that, uh, this is the aftermath of a first day of class. I'm gonna come out with more soon for the college life. Like how many friends you make per day, like, literally like shaking everybody's hand. Just like one day of meeting people here is more than, like, all four years of high school like It's crazy. Just like my hall is awesome, are A's everybody so chilled, so down to earth.