10 Things They Don't Tell You About NCAT

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Whether the institution you really don't know there's only so much you can learn from orientations and presentations about the school, there's some things that you really don't know and experience until you get you. You know, just think that you're gonna come across that you're not gonna expect first things first. Invest in them because, Blake, you'll never know when it's gonna put on rating. You know when it's still summer time, you have to want the class. Okay, the sidewalks and he has a lot of hills and dips, and so the sidewalks may seem to appear flat, but when you're walking, you won't know that there's a dip or crevice. If you frequently where sluts, crocks, ducks or anything of that nature that does not have a lot of good, super good grip one, it's just know that these sidewalks don't love anybody. I know you may be thinking like Oh, I can budget Oh, you know, 3 50 a semester. There's a Domino's off campus that takes flicks off the restaurants and spots on Kip. Next thing you know, it's got 3 50 for a couple of months For like, 45 months. If you don't last clergy ho, which, if Lex, you're going to be that Check the shuttle up consistently in the morning. I'm talking about when you wake up while you're getting ready, and while you're getting ready to walk out the door, why say this is because it's been many a time where I've walked out my door and going to my close? The shuttle stop waiting for the show to come and see that instead of the usual to Abby shuttles, sometimes three Aggie shuttles running it all will be one, and it's already all the way across Kansas. Like in the mornings in the mornings for your first class, when you are dependent upon making you to class on time by that shuttle check, it's because I'm telling you it's going to be a time when you wake up and no shovels, no matter what time the doors open to any events, no matter what's on the line, will always start in at least an hour before this is for off. One campus events, any event party pep rally, any any explosion, anything like that. I wanted to go to a party with my friends and we were told that you know parties don't really jump until 12. You plan on going to the event and not waiting in life for a long time. Come before I know you don't think it's too early to be leaving like that is for me not just go because that lie I'm telling especially like during Ji ho, you're gonna want to come at least at least bare minimum an hour before door starts. So what? Like what? You walked in the line for the blood for the fried chicken, which you have to, you know, at the slight mint and meet you at the front desk. So I spent a whole semester on campus and have never participated in France and writing never for Anderson's on Never so the last thing I want to talk about. If you are planning on going to the library late at night like after 10 you can't get into library. So I decided what? I was going to go to the little the party they were having on campus. I wasn't pizza line and it was going like from where Corbett ibs all the way, like past where the dome is like going toe towards the villages. You know, putting out a P s say that if you don't have your anyone car, you need to go get it because you can't get in without it. You can't get into anything campus related without your car. So I had to walk all the way back across campus to get my anyone card. It's kind of like, you know, Segway into my next topic. If you want to know about absolutely anything that is going on, I 80 or 80 related or in the Greensburg surrounding areas, just check the end cap hashtag on Twitter or just searching and cat on Twitter. I promise you any and everything and see related will pop right there and the events that are going on. If you lose any, if you lose anything, there are so many good Samaritans that we have is Maggie's too many a time that you have checked the anti hash tag and USC lost keys in front of the villages. Do you want me to get in a cab? You know, I've seen people find Wallace phones, ID's credit cards, anything keys that have been lost, that people try retired. Any events that is going on in campus or any any, anything regarding campus will be on the hashtag Very twitter involved Can't. Please make one, because it will keep you in the loop holes, all campus activities. So if you think that just the spots that you went to on your tour all the only spot you need to know how to get around campus you got a big storm coming like and he doesn't seem that big when you're one champions and you're walking around campus all day when you're just getting toe, learn the campus and know what's what the tour gives you about. A good I want to say 50% off campus that you wanna will need to learn how to get around. I felt like my poor wasn't that in debts of all the places I need to go, Like, I don't even know where the academic wanted was. They have people who help point you out around campus. So either Google maps some walking directions or use those use those resources you have during welcome because I guarantee your tour is not gonna be in depth enough for you to learn how to get around campus. It will never be short unless you are going early in the morning. If you have to go pick up a package, it's going to take a while. So make sure you have ample time because there's gonna be many times you're walking to the mouth center and you're gonna see a lot like 2030 people getting overtime. Please just know it's never going to be shorter.