Dorm Haul (2017): Morehouse Edition

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They were a little going away with my mom, you know, making a pit stop, you advertising. I'm not advertising, not go get me free chicken. What do you expect? I'm gonna call herself while we go into the way on the way to do some dorm hall shopping, you know, got to buy some stuff for the foot. You know, it's really for you to be videotaping and driving it. This is like being on Snapchat and all of that stuff. Just, you know, finish my day shopping with I don't spend your money. I'm looking at you looking being a blessing a man. Can't you from the soldiers up? There's no mix. What can we are not this mind you know about May not come with you? Just Oh, wow. 8 30 8 30 In the morning on the way to Morehouse College, I finally got fly out of just this busy, ridiculous thing I like having. It was like, tired, but all the people who would've case it's from the show. Y'all Would it look like? Listen, he's getting shit way in my room. I'm probably going to get somewhere in the video, but yes, we're in my room right now. I mean, you saw what I bought, but you have to see how we piece that join together because you know, we are here. I went over and you know, we fancy So we just do like that. Yeah, I got my little lamb that we but fruits, I have a fruit cheese, baby. What do you see? My reflects A ll buy for fractional hats over it. They made me while I'm talking about if you don't rip your set What you doing, big fella? Late in cages. You just a little little keep your sleep will usually usually. It is, boy, that way we got the young scholars set up. We're you know, saying from editor videos is that way. We've got my little more house brick or whatever, because you don't. Whatever lesson Morehouse, you know, they give, like, 8% of the class of brick I gotta break is completely random looking guy. You know, it's got Morehouse College on the front. Like I say, I only 8% of the class gets a break. Do you know how to set out? Here is a movement Has tak year just man over here trying to eat a port with a spoon? What about doing what is you guys broke up? Come, come to my room. You know, guys, next day's i'ma Hold your black man. This pork chop, right? This could ended segregation wife's wishes mix lo wei missile building on my smooth.