What the Professors are like
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Um, Silver, this video I'm gonna be talking about the students and faculty, um, and how our relationships are with our professors. So the student and faculty ratio is sixteen one, which is really impressive, considering there's over fifty thousand students on campus. So out of all my class, I've taken, um I have been really lucky tab. Um, it's really interesting to see their different styles and what the different classrooms look like. Um, so the professors here, uh, they all have these things called office hours, and, um, there's like a few hours of the week that they'll be in their office, and it's, um, usually just welcome Teo whenever soon's just want to stop by during that time and just ask them questions. If they didn't quite get a lecture, they can ask questions. Um, or if there's an exam and they did poorly, they had some questions on it. They can just go to office hours and talk to the professors that way, um, they are always willing to help you, um, which I think is really cool. Even when they have so many students in their class is, um they really want students show up to their office hours. Um, and in my experience, when students do that, um, they tend to do a lot better in that class, which is really cool. Um, most of professors do you have Ta sze, Which our teacher's assistants? Um, who as well, They also have office hours. So if you can't make the professor's time, usually the Ta Zahra at different times. Um, so you could go there, Um, which is really great. I think a lot of people don't Sometimes, uh, which is, uh, really sad, but.