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He's here to just talk a little bit about the classrooms that we have in Michigan State, like the one we're standing in right now, So right now we're in business college complex. This is a rather common type of classroom was rather high tech, actually. You have these podiums scattered around the room, which is super nice because there's outlets on the podiums and especially to help recitations. We have TVs around the room in orderto project, the teaching assistants message, going along with that, a little more manual type of teaching. We have white boards in front of us on a projector, which is commonly used in classrooms. Other than that, there's a couple of types of classrooms. Here in Michigan State that you'll see there's this one, which is a rather modern science classroom. There's computer labs, which are a little bit smaller than this, and, I imagine, filled with computers, you could do most like CS classes in there. Then there's large lecture halls, which you'll pretty much see in your everyday generated classes. Thank you, Joey, for giving us a little rundown on our classrooms.