Interview with Ben
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So we're actually in the international centre right now, which is located, and basically they're on the middle of campus. Um, and I have a guest with me today, and this is Ben. Um, so the first question is introduce yourself and explain why you chose to come to Michigan State. It's about twenty five minutes from here, So I grew up in that in the area. That was part of the reason why I chose to come to embassies because grown up coming to the campus, and it's always been campus that kind of enters into the rest of the the community and the surrounding city. Okay, So our second question on says described this student body, uh, at Michigan State University. That might seem daunting at first, but I think it's really kind of exciting toe. Be able to explore all those different groups of people from all the different people on campus. Then question number three, uh, says what's your major? And describe the academic climate, the major's global studies in the arts and humanities that's in College of Arts and Letters. Can academic climate here is one of learners, but also more just about being people together. We're just trying to reach a common goal, like helping out in society. I think a lot of times in college, sirs emphasis of just trying to, like get the grades. Here it's It's a little different because it feels like we're tryingto trying to go for something larger and misuse all about, like the big picture going for something huge. In the fourth and last question, What's your favorite and least favorite part about Michigan State and why? My favorite part about Michigan State is the groups, especially the campus ministries. Groups on campus that helped make the campus seem small, Um, and really helped Teo help me to find, like my place here. The worst part about campus is that because MSU so big, some things are hard to approach sometimes like talking to administration about, uh, like say, I have a housing question. It's hard to know maybe who to talk to sometimes or to approach that that question because there's so many people in such a big place, it's like, Where do I go? But I think I miss you does a good job.