Interview with MCPHS student part 3
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So why don't you introduce yourself below in your name? Your major. Uh, my major is pharmaceutical sciences, and I'm in my second year at M C. Peaches University. Why did you choose your major? Um, I originally chose to go farm D, but they told me I couldn't get into farm. So that's kind of where I'm at right now, but I like a lot of opportunity and and work outside of it. What made you interested in pharmacy in the first place? My cousin, my two cousins or pharmacists? My first cousin graduated from here in two thousand three, and he's a pharmacist in Jamaica Plain. The work ethic and all that so kind of just ran with it. Is there a reason why you chose M c p of all the pharmacies schools, Just just the family, you know, family going here. This? That's kind of where it landed at LAX at the pharmacy school. I mean, I get it is Fenway's pretty crowded area, but we got parking. Yeah, and that's a going, But you know what? But isn't that like this place? So if you come, you you're gonna end up taking the train or parking somewhere insane. Like, if only park in a parking garage, just like fifteen dollars today? No, thank you.