GRT's and Housing Policy

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So every dorm has multiple G. Artie's, which Stanford graduate residents tutors at McCormick. Each floor or each group of two floors has the same j. R. T. Since I live in the annex. Basically, they're just here to make sure that if we have any problems or concerns, we can go to them for help. This is what it looks like when I step outside the dorm. McCormick is really close to the athletic center and classes. So at a mighty freshmen are required to live on campus on one of the ten dorms, which are Baker Burton, Connor East Campus. Next house, Random and Simmons Housing is guaranteed for all four years, so each dorm has their own personality and unique culture. Usually, students on the floor will get together and hang out. Some floors go on trips together, so that's all you need to know about. You meet some of your best friends through the dorm, and I really hope that you learned a lot about dorms at M I. T..