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Walk through Maseeh Hall, one of the oldest dorms
Masseh Hall is a co-ed dormitory and houses 490 students. It includes single, double, triple, and quad rooms, and also includes one of the largest dining halls on campus. It is located in the heart of campus, and the dorm motto is "Be you, with us."
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So now our inside Massey and this is the third floor. So General uses what a lot of the dorms I might look like. Some students like to decorate their doors with different fundings. We have a little white board over here, her P setting or working on problem sets. A lot of people out of my tea also liketo work in groups or display a lot of a collaborative spirit in their classes. Generally, the philosophy my CI is that it's better to work in groups for different things like classwork and homework and studying for tests. So that definitely contrast a lot with a lot of other universities where students are more inclined to work alone.
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