Let's Tour Downtown Staunton!
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So I'm just going to show you guys really quick with downtown is like since I have an hour to kill before dinner or when I go to dinner five thirty. Oh, stuff closes, like right around five every day, so it's really weird. So unless you have, like money for restaurants and stuff like you can't even walk into stores because they close, we do have a couple cool things. So let me show you over there, that red House at the corner that with the little white on it, like that one on the right, that is the Woodrow Wilson House and Memorial and Museum. It's just a big old that shirt right there, right? That is. It first, like, really started in eighteen forty to sell. I'm just gonna be really clicking quickly walking downtown so I can show you guys way. I just There's a lot of stuff open all the time, so we have, like the Shakespeare Center, which is like really amazing place will be there all the time. I have a lot of couples, a lot of roads, air one way you could see all the hills like everywhere you go. It's so hard to film because, like there's hardly a flat place to film anything, so keep setting up a tripod is hard. There's a lot of crime for, say, it's just a lot of athletes. Like you'll walk down there and look there's an alley so so far A lot of people have really nice houses down here. It's really great on Halloween that let adults treat treat, which is weird because I'm from like north look And they have a lawsuit who can't treat but your clothes We'LL do Thank you so much They're here. Garden has a lot of lovely sandwiches and stuff and just past it with the American Shakespeare Center right there on the corner before the hotel. Out for my freshman here it is pretty fun to see what they put in the window. It's expensive, but they have free free samples and the people's good, like, really. There's a hyphen store right here if it's sort of like a musical thing. So like they have a lot of music festivals here in town. It's really nice because they have a lot of like music, notes, things if you like music, a good place to go, a whole bunch of home sores. Like it has a lot of cute, you know, take you to one of theirs. A vintage clothing store right there in the corner, cranberries down there as well as Reunion Bakery. They're both some pretty good places to get food. Have Nancy he invented right here, so I actually get some my clothes here. It's really cute because they have a lot of vintage clothing in the area. It's a place with a little strawberry in the window. It's really fun because there's a lot let the entire town turns of too many words. Right st it sort of one of two places in town. The Crown Jewelry Store is a great place to get jewelry. I got my class ring there because you know that high school's placed themselves class rings for really expensive. So they have a lot of vintage books, long used books. Then finally go and take you to There's the visual light right there. When we have split banana right up there, I'm gonna zoom in. They have amazing gelato for really cheap, and they also do a lot of give. I don't really have a lot of plans aside from that. After I get dinner in class, I usually just like, start doing my daily studying because I have a lot of that to dio. The thing is that when you're in college, you have a lot of papers and stuff to do, so you often are like in your room studying. Sometimes we'll even take group naps when We're really freaking tired. Oh, wait, here's they're recording that stand innovation hub. That place is going to help you out with a lot of internships and business connections of your in the business program. It's pretty great, and also a lot of people can get jobs there, so another murder rally, really? All right, guys.