Student Hangout Spots

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So this is our study room slash hangout Space on the floor there's There's just everybody that is on the floor, and then we just have a study desk area with some chairs and then we have more of a comfy chair that somebody brought, and then this is just the living room up here. We just have our community standards that everybody on the floor follows, and we have a really nice view of Milwaukee. This's downtown over here here is just a quick a little overview. We also have this weekly calendar as well, and then all the rules going. So this is the lounge is in the basement, so it is clearly a lot bigger. There is just some foosball, cool ping pong stuff like that. So down here is where we have a lot of events where we meet and stuff like that. Then there's also a private study room with a printer and computers. There's somebody in there studying, so I don't want to bug themselves like sure you guys threw the class. There's the study room, games, table, stuff like that.