Kelly’s Interview| Meet a RA

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So do you want to explain your year major stuff like that? Yeah, sure. I'm a junior here market and studying psychology and physical therapy, and I'm originally from Burbank, California. Okay, so at work, have you experienced any sort of stereotypes or just generalisation about market students apart from other universities? Yeah. That's something I really love about this campus. Everyone has some sort of job, some sort of called they're really passionate about. So I guess the Syrian civil war ahead today is super involved. Then So I'm a comedy or so my costume that I have, like, long, super long lectures or anything like that. So you tell me a little bit about your daily like schedule? Yeah. So go to class, have some lectures, doing some labs as well for physical therapy. A little bit of lab discussions on things like that night. So then you are talking about things that you like about Marka. Is there anything in particular that you aren't a fan of? And you could be brutally honest with you. I wish them where people were from different places. There are a lot of students from different countries. Well, not all forty nine of the fifty states represented here at market, but I wish there were more students outside of the Midwest sitting Mark. He's well, I mean, you're from California. So your first a majority of people on market there's more Chicago people, then Scott. So what? Something about market that's completely different from other universities other than being like a private judge. I mean, you literally just called me in here to do this, and I was like, Yeah, sure, let's do it. I think there were so many experiences like that that I had a market where people are so willing to help me. When I'm saying my professors, when I don't understand something, my boss is really so many people are really willing to help. I know it's been a while since you've been a senior in high school, but what is one piece of advice you could give to your senior yourself before going to college in the whole life process of applying everywhere? Where do you think that comes to my head? Is that it gets better? I get so much better because I think you grow into yourself the older you got. You're gonna grow into who you are and that what's important at the end of the day.