Different Housing Options at Marquette University
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It was especially for me because it is some place you were going to be spending a lot of time at, and you will be spending four years here, so you definitely want to make sure where you are living you are comfortable with. At Marquette, there are eight door options for you to live in. You will live in the dorms, your freshman and sophomore year, and then your junior and senior year. You will live off campus so you can either find an apartment just on your own. Also the university has apartments for you, if you would like that as well. Going over the dorms, we have here on campus to start off. I lived in coping last year, which is an all girls dorm, and it also has dining as well. So there are quads, triples, singles and doubles and their island. What? Which meant I had my own bathroom, which was really nice, not having to have a communal bathroom, but because it was also all girls in that dorm. Currently, I live in Carpenter, and in Carpenter there are singles and doubles. Both of them have their own bathrooms, and then another door would be Strazzer, which consists of sophomores and honor students. Grass also has dying a gym, and it also has a hate barbershop as well. Another door up option is Schrader, which is an all sophomore dorm. It's definitely more of thie social dorm, and it also has dining as well. Another drawer you'll find Esma Shootout, which is very similar. Then there's O'Donnell, which is definitely an older dorm that I don't know much about. You would most likely live there only as a freshman. Then they knew a storm that just went up is called comments. Those House freshmen and sophomores is a very modern nice look. So those are all of the dorms on campus, and then the last dorm is Humphrey, which is probably one of the nicest doors because it used to be an apartment. So there's a giant living space, and they're mostly quads and triples, and it's just really nice. Mostly sophomores lived there, but there were a few freshmen as well.