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So we're actually sitting in the little hallway that you just walked into my dorm. So to the right of me or the left of you guys, is my other roommate. Storm, because I'm actually in a quant will be a four fuel living here. Thank goodness our bathroom is actually a very decent size. Then we also have this storage unit that we got from a toilet because, honestly, there's not much storage in here, but we made it work. There's little like fishes And then I see myself over here. Also here's where we keep our towels and face washing stuff like that. So as you guys come around the corner from the bathroom and this is a little walkway entrance to our side, the door. So we have these little Meers here that my roommate guy, I don't really know where she got them from you guys and probably find someone wasn't like Target or something. Then she has these little light lights, which I do think our from target, not really sure, but then we're gonna go into my son of the dorm, so I don't think I'm focused. So I have little hooks where I just have, like, my i d my wallet iss for umbrella. We also had a really cute like poster board up here, but it just kept falling off the wall. Where we keep our bulls are laundry detergent, some curious things, and yeah, and then over here is my closet. So mine is actually a closet with a bar in the other, and they have, like, storage units for them. In my closet, I really like my closet not gonna lie. So I have some real cubbies here that I got from Bed Bath beyond. Actually, ninety percent of my furniture that I bought this from bed bath beyond or charge it. Let's have a little like Ford that I have to have in my room and brown. Then on this side here, over here is where I have one of my jackets for the cold full season. Then down here you have some kind of see it in this time, I'll do like a close above everything, too. This is where we keep our mini fridge, because girl's gotta eat, that is Michael's it. So I got this curtain rod from Target, along with the curtains are also from charges because, you know, acute background as well, send them moving over here is my desk. Oh, I really do Here is like my make up to us Tennessee. That's where I keep all my hairstyle perfumes, a fake plant that I did bring from home. Then I saw my makeup that you guys saw in my makeup collection video and leaving for college, which I will try Aly below if I remember. Then there's just like some photos of my friends from high school, a little calendar. I actually got this tapestry from P B team, and I was actually gonna put it on my bed, but instead I got this ship lap, which is pretty much wallpaper essentially, but it's like adhesive wallpapers, so it doesn't damage the walls, which is super nice. Here is where I just get my laptop charges actually over on my bed because I was doing some work. Then this is where I have Oh, Miley Everyday make up and mascara. Glasses and then just like Grant, like making over white cotton rounds, banning stuff like that and then in the drawer below is where I eat with my hair, strainers and curlers. Three much exactly have it in my bedroom back home because why change it? Yeah, so here is my bed. Then down here, I have just all my other clothes. Then I have a little container ottoman because it's really hard to get onto my bed. Then over here is my nightstand, but also have like sweaters, some pajamas. The last thing other than this behind this I have like a bookshelf where I just store like stuff I'm not gonna use every day like plastic bags, sand days and like, a flash light. Then I actually store my suitcase under here for when I go home or traveling somewhere. Then over here in this white compartment, they my roommate, brought this. Then we have some suffer the curia, which is actually in the other room, and that I have these three Ben's right here that I got from Target and that just rice store more snacks because I'm really hungry. Sure to come below some ideas you guys might have for a film. I don't really know, but I will see you guys next time.