That Concludes Our Tour!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I hope that it helped show you what Marist College is like and help show you what college is like through a student's eyes. I know when I was in your position, applying the school isn't let me at them and everything. I really just wanted to find videos that put me on the campus and put me in a student's shoes and showed me, like, what college life was like and everything. Um and I hope that Marist College is now maybe one of your top schools. Hopefully, maybe you are more interested and want to look more into it. My friends really like it here, and that's all I think I have to say, Um, I just hope you, like you guys like to tour. I hope, uh, you are now interested in merits because it really is a great place here. So much for watching and good luck on the rest of your college tour and application journey.