How I Keep it all Together in College

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So I understand that it's not just, you know, a college make in my life, but it also, and my head kind of feels like that. So I definitely want to, you know, have a balance with my channel. So it's very different from FCC schools and just the big old, you know, state schools very different. I'm gonna dive right into it just cause I have a couple of tips that I don't really know how long that elaborate on them. I don't know just how I keep my mind, how to keep myself mentally healthy are saying that came to my mind. If it is, I definitely learned from that situation, and I will, you know, change how like, for example, I didn't realize how intense and vigorous my Buddhism test would be so started studying for two days before, and that was a no go. If I'm not like if I'm avoiding ah, homework assignment or studying, I'll be editing or I'll be working out or I'll be don't know, I'll be doing something else. I mean, I don't I don't know for sure, but I feel like even in high school, so you know, you you're days taking away. A bunch of it is taken away from, you know, being in school? No. Like, if you're avoiding homework at, like 5 p.m. Seven PM, you could be doing something else. You know, whatever else you do as like, I don't want to say hobby, but like all systems that needs to get done, you know? So I feel like this. You know you have things going on that you need to keep track of, and if you're not planning that I don't know how people don't point. Like I genuinely don't know how people could just stick that in their head and be like, Okay, okay. You know, when you should study like, certain things each day, that kind of thing, just to help you out. I don't know which one do first and you know, we're gonna prioritize and all that kind of stuff. Once I started writing it out, as you know, like this, this this it helps me. So if you're you know, if you just notice you're breathing whenever you are anxious and you're probably not getting a full length of air, a breath or whatever like you know, for your lung capacity to be mindful of, I just noticed whenever you are getting anxious, how your breathing, Because once you take a full breath in a full exhale. You don't know how much that does for you and how the wonders of that it is insane. I take 3 to 5 long, long, lengthy inhales and exhales, and it just helps me so so much because it's getting oxygen to my brain, which is, you know, one of your anxious. High school, You know, it was much easier for me to like I could get like I I listen to Daniel Carolyn's podcast with Brooke Nishio and she said something about how I could go. Like, you know, I go a day without, you know, after school with just being, you know, our weekends, just like being alone, getting stuff done and being fully okay with it. Not often, but sometimes I would get, you know, a little bit like I need to be with people. I would just I would do that would fulfill that because, you know, we need people connection. Since being in college has been a little bit difficult because, you know, if you're not living off campus, your school and your living, you know, area, they're together, they mess. Oh, even though nothing is going on, I'm just always like you know, it's like a fear of like people hanging out without you, or it's like, you know, you could be going to, like, study with this person, But you're just out doing this alone like it's that kind of thing. You're not constantly thinking about yourself and like, you know, it's all this is all the stuff. So I cannot give you guys a full like piece of advice when I'm not even too sure how to do it quite yet, Which is, you know, a little. You know, you just get so you just need to be somewhere all the time, and you just forget that it's okay to be alone. You know, it's that's thought you need that. My next little I don't even know if this is like a piece of advice, but it could be, um and this is also something I need to get more experience on. I Miss Kim branched off from a bunch of things being confused about what you actually want to study or, you know, the thing with being alone are just not feeling like you picked the right college. All of this stuff you can get in a funk and, like sometimes and get the fuck out of nowhere and you don't even know where stemmed from, you know, But it is okay to be in a funk I like. You know, don't just keep yourself in your dorm because that's not gonna help it all. Because you're not gonna have time to reflect and trying to, you know, figure things out for yourself. Look, I would love for toe, you know, have a certain way to work for everybody so we could know how to get out of a funk. I know people who can go in like a month long Fung's or a day or a week. You know, it's just different and you have to figure it out for yourself. Pretty much what I'm saying is be mindful about your funds, be conscious about them and, you know, realize that everybody gets them. Learning to ground yourself is so important at the, you know, and I feel like this is also something that you're gonna have to learn how to do it yourself. I mean, it's easy to, you know, to dwell on the past or, you know, the anxious about the future. I've actually so proud of these just because I feel like I haven't I didn't look at any other videos or didn't I didn't get any like inspiration or, you know, tweak someone else's advice.