Sean Studies at the IC and Cudahy Library

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We're in the information commons for the icy here on campus as one of me studying places here. So it's structured into like most libraries are structured into three fours and each fork. It's quieter for study, so the first floor is very much a group study. One second floor is also sort of save us a little bit quieter. Study, and you can also rent out state rooms like these. Yeah, allowed you to work with a group and get work done because you also have these huge white words behind me that you can use for whatever you're saying are. You see study rooms and you can book a room with your email account. I've used this room several times for staying for different exams from special for honors. The sea is right on the lake to several viewpoints when you're studying of the lake, which were very calming. Relaxing, which help you focus more, which I have personal, very much enjoy way. That is where most of the books are held for checking out your studying for papers for whatever classes you need it for Somewhat similar structure. I'd pay the transition between group in quiet, depending on the time day. They've got several floors for their books that you can scroll through and also a God. Quiet, quiet state spaces that also have their stacks for director is another boat. It's not used as often as the icy, but someone will do over There is the environment is feel more like a library in there on the ice. Don't you feel it's more like the state is facing? Whatever. Since you need that for where is the cut of your library? It feels more like an actual library. A study in and both can be really helpful, depending on if you need to do what I worked on or if you working in groups.