mini tour: welcome!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I am a freshman here at Loyola, and my major is vocal performance with a minor in Asian studies. My hometown is that of Chicago, Illinois, and that's just so easy for me because I live in the South Side. I live near Chinatown, so all I have to do is just take the red line from Chinatown to Loyola. We have our own stop named after us, so that's just really easy for a loyal of students. Like for commuters alike, my experience on campus has been pretty good so far. I've made a lot of friends through different organizations and different clubs and stuff. Throughout my classes, I have made a lot of different friends. So it's just thought that hard tio like, interact with people on campus because we have such a small campus and people know people. It's not hard to like find new friends on campus because you have, like so many different connections. Yeah, I hope you enjoy this tour of Loyola, and we should just, like, do a little quick stop of things on Loyola.