mini tour: student interview - stephanie!

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Why don't you introduce yourself like your major? Okay. Why do you choose loyal in the first place? I chose Loyola because one it was eventually but an option for me. It was a little smaller school, so I thought I'd be easier adjustment to college. You described the student climate like we're like, the stereotypes and some that you, like, encountered while you were at loyal o s o at loyal. Um, I wasn't a pre med track, so I was running by a lot of pre med students also science majors. So I would say on the whole idea of, like, permissions and like, people, once I've made a really competitive I would agree they that they are really competitive. When you're really discussing your grades are like, how well you're doing the class in terms of like, the social environment. I wouldn't know a lot because I could meet a lot, so I wouldn't wasn't really involved in social life there. From what I heard of these people, I hung out what most of time they didn't really have a social life either. So they were usually was more like least in my group. Think one time was like library and crying s o described like the academic climate. So live like hang on theway I mentioned earlier so academically, it was very competitive, I think also there was a system where some people get classroom in other ones, and that's were also kind of led to some conflicts where people I didn't think that they should chosen like a class that wasn't suit for them because they didn't have the option to get choosing a better class. Um, I think the workload really depend each teacher, So I think that's where there's a bit of issues where some soon we're having a bit of time in the same kind of class, but with a different professor. Other ones, even though they were supposed to the same level. How much coursework that do? What are the pros and cons that you thought of Loyola? Carlos, I think, um, was that they really do try getting about people involved. There is a law school spirit against basketball season a little bit. Like I know I went to, like, all the basketball game, so that was one, um, but given that conjure that, uh, I thought that got them it will be a strong point at loyal up. From what I experience, I think that was a con just because it didn't really help, Like at least Did you have I don't think they prepared me very well. I was gonna, you know, trying TomKat or to go to graduate school. I think it was more like you just have these facts just so you could get a good grade and move on E thing. I didn't think that rising center or whatever, uh, they don't really care to what your path is. The kinds like, Here's your crimes, Graduate. I think for advising being called advising center some like that they should have paid more attention to what the students should do. Like they made me take a class I would like for double credit when Oh, yes, that's right. What do you think? We're some things that define loyal, like what? Sets loyal apart from, like other schools. Okay, so I think one point like this is a judgment school. I came in thinking it was gonna be very religious and like racing Theron just what values? But I think something that makes it different than that school is that they're very, very open minded, like a lot of my friends and I have been within my own religion. Rather they're like part of many religions, which I think is really interesting. Lawyer where you know they have that religious aspect to it, Is there really open minded and I think that's what makes them different. I think another thing would be probably about, um I think student. So this one's I surround myself were really needed. It was a good support system amongst the student boy, but that could have been in my case. Yeah, well, let's be some advice that you would tell your high school senior years old. To be honest, I wouldn't hold myself to, like probably bigger bettors, different schools. Just because it didn't it might have worked for some people, but it didn't work for me. Stephanie already kind of knew that, like she was like, this would not be it. It would have changed about my year, Lula, but I think maybe saving more time choosing, making sure you pick the school. I know it's like it's like it's weird because you're like already transferred install.