mini tour: dorming!

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Finals week S o. Our room's a little bit bare specifically my side. Anyways, I am here with no makeup and stuff just to show you guys a tour of my really messy room. So here's my door is actually like a check check out this time here. So at the door you have me and my roommates shoes and we also recycling bin. It's It's really messy because obviously, but here is a room. Each room comes with one desk, one bed and one dresser for each person. So this is my room mates side and this is my side of the door. So on my desk right now, I have my headphone, some pencils and pens. My textbooks frosting a water bottle, a diffuser, which I think is like super essential. You can't really see it because of the sunlight, but it's in between both of our desks, so we could just, like, reach it. I stripped it, mostly have two pillows, have few plush is and to make myself feel more at home. We have, like, I have posters up here, and I also have, like, a couple like flyers from my high school and like more, more things to make you feel at home here. More posters by my roommate over in the corner over here is a cattle because me and my roommate both drink tea a lot. So we just have that there, as I said before since then is a sweet stall dorm, so that means there are three dorms connected to one bathroom. Let me just show you guys what the bathroom's like at Simpson. I'm at my door so thiss So there's a bathroom. This is about, and each bathroom comes with one shower and one toilet as well is two things and yeah, so just just really accessible for people who just want not community so, but they just want to live like more of a private bathroom. This is semi private, so it's not like each room has its own, but I mean, it's smaller than just sharing it with the rest of the floor. Some advice for people moving into the dorms at the beginning of your first year, there's a portal for dorm's that opens up, I think, in, like May on DH for first years. So for first used to get, like a list of like priority rooms that you want, you can also choose your roommate as long as you know they're email. So basically it'LL be like, Who do you want your roommate to be? And you'LL be like, Oh, I know where my room is going to be. It's going to be this person if you don't have, like a roommate, you don't have to worry you convicts who you want your roommate to be up until mid July, and it's like, totally fine, because if you find someone during orientation that you want to room with, you could just put them down and, yeah, but if you don't know, like after like the summer like you want to room with, there is a rooming preference tab that has like, Oh, I want like this person to be here before twelve, like midnight. I want my studying room to be able to be quiet, and you could just, like, meet people. That way you could also reach out on, like the Facebook page if you want a roommate. People do introductions in the Facebook group, and they, like, introduce themselves. I just found that really helpful for me personally, because that's how I found my roommate, but it really just depends on what your rooming situation is next year.