student interview with brenden!

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What is? What is your major sports management and why did you choose Loyal of I love this city brought other the campus. I really thought that this campus in the community here fit me just being like it feels the most like home out of places I've visited. So described the student body at your school, very welcoming, very diverse, just people that you would want to be around on a day to day basis. What's your you said your major is force management. Yeah, And what is the academic climate like for that is its unique compared to other schools because we're in the business school on others are usually in, like the liberal arts college. So it's a very unique and is a great program to be a part of it. If you want to go into like sports business, and everybody just has a great attitude towards the program and obviously wants to succeed. So what is your favorite? At least favorite, presently alone. I'm a big food guy, and let's just say that I'm disappointed on clothes. Like, are we both doorman Simpson and A Simpson just really smacks. This kind of dead, but well, I don't know because I go home now.