dorm tour part 2! :^))

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Let's go on a tour of the bathroom and the lounge because those air also of two very important places in the dorm OK, so right outside of my door is the bathroom right there. The Swedes usually come with, like, one stall and then, like a bunch of toilet paper as well, is like one shower that's upright and then two sinks. You don't have to bring your own trash can for that. Every floor has two of them, and it comes with like and oven like a stovetop sync. Like a couple tables that people usually study at as well as a TV. People usually come in here like in the afternoon to study and stuff at like group study. Or like if you're roommate wants a little bit quiet time, then you can come in here and not bother them. So when I was applying for my dorm, there's a section in the housing application where you can, like, say, oh, I want a room mate And then you just have to know your roommates email. Like just knowing they're like, loyal email on and you just put that in, and most of the time they should put you in, and I don't think there's like any other way, Tio, not get your roommate thatyou want. Usually if you have a preferred roommate than they'LL go through with it. Simpson is also one of the three dorms on campus that have dining halls in them. Um, so what's the dish with dining halls on campus? Find out in the next video.