a day in my life!

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I'm going to be filming a day in my life And I chose a Wednesday because my Mondays and Wednesdays are super busy My Manu What says I take five classes? Sometimes it consume a little busy Today I'll be taking you guys tio my history class by police plus a swell as my You see W R class, which is a first year writing seminar on DH. I'm also going to be going to the choirs are which is told a not normal. Since I have to catch up on being a music major, I'm requires help Fill in, build one credit that I missed last Mr. I also have a lot of downtime Been between classes so you'll get to see that as well So right now I'm walking to my eight fifteen. I didn't got be leaving this early every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Um, there's a different way of going like through the quads, but I really just like going through the lakefront just because so scenic and also just because, like, I don't know, it feels like a shorter walk to me, but I think it's just because I take a picture of, like, every morning I just got out of my eight fifteen. My next class isn't until twelve thirty five, but I go back to my dorm after by a fifteen and then I get brunch with my friends Rachel in Rosa. I do this for like an hour and then I go tio my poly psych class. Sometimes, if I don't feel like practicing all that often, I will mess around on the piano. E w Our class is yuk until I'm in the icy right now, I have, like, one more class period before my u. C W R class, and usually I come into the library early to work on my schoolwork and review what I have to look at for my writing class. I just got out of the C w. R. And now I'm onto going Teo higher classes. In the next video, I'll be showing you guys what it is like when you have a night in at your dorm.