Sean Talks Honors Housing vs Other Freshman Housing

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Most of it fits all the honest program students in here that our residents, the first and second floor, are all female in the Third Force. Put between male and female, I much prefer this type of layout over some of the other residence halls, like Merge. Merge is on the eighteenth floor, Fresh reasons hall, and that gets a lot of congestion, just like the elevator's going up. If you lived in the time before, it takes a while to get it from from the entrance all way up to your rooms of so many people. Whereas here I could just walk up two flights of stairs on a party at my friend. If you're applying for the honors program, then you are guaranteed housing here, Campion. If you're a business major applying for honors, then you live in Regis Hall, which is a different hundred, which is different residence building because business has entire different curriculum for their majors, so they have to weigh out their schedules differently than like we would where the disciplinary problems were little everything other than business. We've all just signs people, English, all sorts. Very fun, too, because everyone here in Campion has the shared experience of being in honors. So we all have the same lecture, all the same books that were reading. That especially helps when you're trying to make friends kind.