Sean Enters the Mundelein Center

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Here we are in Monday line Online is more or less like the main academic building has got so many different classrooms through stuff like you take court here stuff for your major. All options are available here in underline, underline is home to a lot of this to you aren't necessities, so there's different. Different studios for working in musicians have their own recording areas in there, too. Moneyline is fourteen floors, so there's so many options. Here is what makes it one of the main buildings here is because it's so large and expansive with caution. If there are, can't be congested, like I have a class and here on the sixth floor and when I'm coming, it's like mid afternoon, so there's always a whole lot of people coming in. I will take the stairs most of time because one that's a little. It's quicker for me, like I'm fine taking up those stairs. Majority of classes will be kind of like on the lower floors, like about. They have max out around like seventh or just like normal, like core classes or stuff your major impact that. If you start taking specific course of specific options, those supplies and be more suited for some of the upper levels, like ten eleven, like bottom half floors are all kind, structured like normal classroom. When you get two floors like thirteen fourteen floor, it's structured much more riches open, like you just can't walk right through. Then here's an area of just with the classroom. Walk around to wear your room is but also is very nice to use up there because you're on the fourteenth floor like we have one night. Me and my friends and I, we just went up to the top form. We just sat there, just talked about just random stuff, because we're going to know each other that it was stolen. Second, third, most academic buildings will have an array of different subjects. That the house the moment, the only buildings where they get specific. There are different buildings for a scientist because they need different supplies and stuff like that because it's so popular online. Like the first four, there is a cafe and lounge area where you can study fourth floor. There's a greenhouse, and in the very top floor you have that wide view of Chicago and the lake. You can just sit there and look around and view and make it your own experience.