Nadia Interview

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I'm a junior and a modern languages, major concentration in French and Chinese and a computer science minor. Well, how do you think the academics are? Hella mu are for both thier majors in your mind? Well, I think you're you. It's pretty great to have such a diverse community since I am taking multiple languages and also heavy focus on study abroad here, a lot of students are encouraged to go abroad. Um, and so with my major, for that's very helpful. Plus my computer science minor being in this technology era and also just being in L. A a lot of connections and a lot of professor. Could you talk a little bit more about study abroad? Yeah, actually went abroad to Madrid, Spain, before I decided to focus on friend, but it was a beautiful experience. That's really immerse myself in the culture and learning more about just a different world from mine. So I know you work, then it's just a coffee shop on campus. You talk about that in a little bit about, like, student life. Uh, so I joined the den my freshman year straight from out of high school. I really love it here just because it allows me to meet everybody on campus because almost anybody drinks coffee or tea or just want something really sweet during the day. So I get to say hi to people from my classes, even professors on. I think that helps just create community, especially him alone. It being near the cafeteria and also by the student center. I just think it's a good place for it and Frank. So if you were to go back in time and give your high school scene yourself some advice on what? With your teller The advice I would give myself in high school definitely make strong relationships with pressers that that I have in classes because I definitely enjoy the fresh air I have. It's Ellen you provides you with small classes about twelve, sometimes even smaller and fifteen or so. So that's a perfect time to really get to know your professors. What you gonna do with future? And it would be very helpful for us. Junior's last almost senior Nadia in college Teo, reach out to some of festers and mid stores where my future endeavors.