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Right here where I'm not sure what I'm showing you right now is a von draw communication arts building right over here. A little sign for the school film intelligence which is located right over there. These two schools, two of those popular colleges and Alameda, the school of film and television right over there has a list of majors at it that it has as one that was popular majors. These and these five majors are five the most common ones around campus. The communication arts building looking around over here is infamous for having students come in without a night without no clue of what they want to do for the rest of their lives and be able to figure it out. Students, please fund hours upon hours here as it is their own college. When you come to school, I'll film television. You're bound to be spending a lot of time filming, editing, animating and doing various things along to school. Nice about thes to camp to these two abilities to colleges. Deceiver building the Foley building, the Layer Slash, Malone building and really, the general center of campus is located right in the heart of everything. I think it's too far from you if you go to school and attend this in college.