LMU Student Interviews!

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It's not too far from my home, and they have a lot of opportunities for my major. I'm an engineering physics major, and I chose LMU in part because of the gorgeous views here and because it just felt like home. You're really easy to get along with, and we have a lot of fun. I want to rest in the climate, you as one of French. What is the academic climate like? Well, we're both in honors on DH, I'd say about a rigorous, but not it's definitely do it. Yeah, you definitely still have time to have fun, but we're learning a lot in every class. My favorite part of the campus in LMU is being able to set up a hammock on the bluff and look out at all of L. A. Is gorgeous. How do you like that? We're close to the beach, so if you have one week, it's not very far. It's kind of hard to find good variety and what you want, probably the big one. They just opened a habit on campus, which is by like some of the sophomore housing, and that helps a lot. Is Little Donny all right? Getting us new options? What differentiate Ellen you from all the schools I think that love is very focused on service way. Have our center for service in action, which has a lot of opportunities for students to get involved with service or whatever they want. DIO and we also have service organizations which are basically clubs that have specific placement that they go to and they do service together as a one of the other things that makes me really special is they have an engineering program and a lot of the other artsy, like the College of Liberal Arts and SF TV, which is this television, film and television live in television. I could be studying engineering and get to hang out with people that aren't as empirically. What is some advice he would give to your senior yourself? I would tell myself that even if you think the school is your backup, still put in the extra hour to into your application essay because it difference on how much money you get from the school in Paris not get so Yes, I got things going. You might not get the results you wanted like, but it's okay. You're gonna accomplish great things and that where you go, what happens good to store While the Jesuit intended is present And this is a Catholic school, students on campus feel no pressure to be converted Catholic. If they're not, they don't have any sort, intense, rigorous religious classes. There's nothing like it's just honestly good time I'll teach you Percy Chris.