LMU Dorm Room Tour Part 1!

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It's a little bit of a mess you know, tell it, go. Sometimes this is the mirror we have up, and this is my O T D. In case anyone was wondering, this is our sink. It's pretty nice because this mirror opens and then you can put all of your sink supplies right there. It's really nice and tahini because it's the on ly. I believe it's the only freshman dorm that actually has a sink. So that makes all the other dorms jealous, even though our room is a bit smaller than theirs. It is captain style, so she has a little bit of room under her bed. Then I decided to lost my bed because I wanted to try it. It's really convenient, because then we can keep our mini fridge there and all of our pantry supplies than my dresser is here, and I can also keep some stuff behind that. This is my lovely, messy desk because I'm just a messy human sometimes. They seem a little bit small at first, but you really make them your own. If you arrange it nice enough, then it's going to be great. Okay, Now I'm going to talk to you a little bit about dorm room essentials. If you don't have a chair or an all men like this, then you're just gonna be sitting on the floor, which is fine, but it's if you're having guests over, it's a lot more comfortable for them to have something else to sit on besides the floor. If you only want them to be on the floor, you can invest in one of these lovely carpets, my friend. He has this really fluffy carpet, which is the best to sit on if you're sitting on the ground. Although it's not essential, something fun to do is to color. Coordinate with your roommate so you can see how I'm mostly turquoise. She has mostly purple, but she has some turquoise and there as well. Then our decorations are similar in their coloring, our pillows, even my backpack matches. Honestly, we really popped off when we decided to coordinate. Over here we have our coffee and tea maker with I I don't know if those air permitted. This water boiler which we used to make pasta, definitely not allowed. As far as that goes, A lot of people have things like this.