Intro to Liberty University tour!

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My name is Noah Mayhew, and I'm a student at Liberty University. I am in my third year, but I'm classified as a senior. I had some credits that came in before actually came to liberty. I'm excited to take you guys along on a tour of Liberty University. So Liberty University is a campus that has about ten thousand residential students. It's a campus that's really packed all the time. Great, typically their scene, you know, walking around like right here. Um, typically gathered around there were the vine center behind me that you can't really see. So that's where convocations held, which is where typically, you see most of the students. Typically, students are lounging around having fun, but they also take their studies very seriously. Just a couple things like stereotypes about Liberty University that many people aren't really aware of. There's a common stigma out there that Liberty students are trump supporters. While the majority of that is true, there are people who don't support Trump here not to make it political or anything, because, you know we need to be unified as a country and not divisive. I just wanna go ahead and clear that up because a lot of people just disregard liberty because of, uh, President Jerry Falwell Jr in his stance. Uh, not everyone at liberty is that Trump's for so we're just gonna get that out of the way now. Just so you guys are aware of that, I myself support Trump, but I support more of what he's done while he's been in office than the stuff that he's done out of office, you know, but aside from that, Liberty University is a great place to be. I'm excited to take you guys on a tour, and I really hope that you watched all the videos that are in my tour. There's a lot of construction that goes on here. Um, because they're actually expanding the vine center. Believe it or not, we're gonna have, like, an actual basketball stadium, which is cool. So something I forgot to mention, uh, my favorite part of Liberty University is probably it's community. As I mentioned in the first part of the introduction video, all the people here are really nice. If you're having a bad day, they'LL try to, like, smile your way, send a smile your way Send an encouraging word. I was actually in the dining hall, They have a day and this random girl that I had never seen before She turns around after getting a drink at one of the drink machines and she turn to me and she said, I hope you have a great day which I think is awesome. Toa have campus like this, especially with the Christian environment. You know, all centers are depraved and some encouragement really goes a long way. My least favorite part is probably the stigma that's around the campus itself. I've had some issues with some of the things that the leadership of the school have done. You know, I'm not knocking them at all, because, I mean, that's their personal opinions and how? How they think the school should be run. Those are my favorite things about liberty and my least favorite things, so thanks again.