Classroom Tours!
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So these next couple clippers going to showcase just some of the classrooms that air here at Liberty University and what you can expect from the size of the classrooms and just how many people will fit in the classroom, I put it in the video. I put in one large classroom and one smaller classroom that's typically the size range of the classrooms. There's not really any in between, because either you're going to be in classes that everyone in your major is taking, which are more of the introductory classes. Or you're going to be taking the higher up classes of up above three hundred level classes like I'm in and you're going to be in the smaller rooms because there's less students that are taking that class than the introductory courses, because the introductory courses sometimes cover many of the majors that air here at the school. So a bunch of people from a bunch of different majors take the same class, and therefore this just a bunch of people taking the same classes. So I'll show you one main lecture hall and one of the classrooms. So this and here's what a typical lecture hall looks like. Uh, as you can see, there's a lot of chairs in here, so these are for, like, introductory class is that a bunch of the freshmen are going to be taking. I actually took creation studies in this classroom, but as you can see, there are a lot of chairs in here. So if you ever take class on the fourth floor, this is probably gonna be one of the lecture halls that you will be it. Let's go take a look at some of the smaller classrooms that I actually got to. Okay, so this is one of the smaller classrooms here, my voice echoing a little bit in here. There's two white boards on both sides with a drop down projector right there. So this is where when you get up in your major, you're more specific classes. This is typically the size of the classroom that you'LL be in.