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So a tour of the quads, Lehigh really does pose a very beautiful campus, especially during full time. You would see this on a tour, and this is Lindemann library again. We're panning across the beautiful scenery here, the flag pole flagpole and that famous memorial walk that goes down there between trees on and then overlooking the city of South Bethlehem in north Bethlehem. If you get far enough up that outlook, a viewpoint that I showed you guys a little bit earlier, but this campus really was one of the first things that struck me about visiting here. It's really beautiful, but it's feel spread out enough that I'm not walking to class, seeing the same people every single day again. Here, this is the memorial Walk on DH. That building on the right hand side is called Packard, which is an engineering building. Then we also are not a religiously affiliated school. We do have a church on campus, which a lot of students do go to, and this is one of the quotes for first year student on this cold lower sense. I like this squad because hasn't really thank you. South Bethlehem and the steel stats which are famous steal mine, eh? Factories went but prior to Bethlehem's shutting down of the of the steel factory. Just come in and watch and see what things look like, especially in the evening. So if you managed to get a room on that side of the building, that's a pretty lucky also like this quote, because they have, ah, a sandpit and volleyball, uh, pitch so you can go and play on that in your free time.