Anna takes you through Packard and inside a typical classroom!
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Favorite things about Lee Hae is how beautiful the academic buildings are. Um, and the perfect example is, right now we're walking into Packard Lab, and as you can see, it's just beautiful old building with a really cool architecture, er and really great colors. Um, Packard is a big building for engineers, so if you're interested in that, he will definitely be spending I'll get amount of time in here. They also have Packard wanna one downstairs, which is a big auditorium hall where a lot of events will happen. It's a great place to study If you don't like going to the library, snag one of the classrooms. You know, right here is what a typical classroom might look like. Your chairs with death, Professor, We'll hang out over here. A lot of classes here at Lehigh, um, are fairly small. You know, you can get anywhere from well, in a class to one hundred. This is just a little tease what the building looks like. So they have these lehigh door knobs which are the for now, first bill and bye work.