Steitz Hall

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So now I'm going to show you a typical classroom at Lawrence University. I am in Stites Hall, which is our science hall here, and it was named after Thomas States, who was a Lawrence alum and won the Nobel Prize in two thousand nine for his chemistry work with the Ribosomes. That's a little bit of warrants history for you, and here we are in a lecture hall. So this is what it looks like and it is about forty students, and that is actually our biggest classroom size. Here it Lawrence, because we have such a small student body. Thie classroom sizes ranges from one which is individual independent study to about forty to use an election hall. Because we have such small classroom sizes that makes being one on one with the professor very, very easy. Here at Lawrence, we get toe have really great, strong relationships with the professors here, and because we don't have to compete for class spots with graduate students, we are able to get into class is pretty easily when we register as well. The most credit that you could take in a term before overloading is twenty two and most classes are six credits, so those meet Monday Wednesday Friday for about an hour and ten minutes, and those that are three credits meet about two hours a week. So most students take about three to four different classes per term, and those can range from the six credit to three credit classes, depending on your major and depending on the requirements that you need to have. Those students who take more than twenty two credits who are overloading are usually dual degree students, so those foods are trying to get two degrees in five years, so they will usually overload most term. So that is a basic crash course in the typical classroom here at Lawrence University.