Meet My Roommate!
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So I'm with my roommate, Riley, and today I'm going to ask her about what she thinks about Lawrence. What, you major? I'm studying music as well as art. So why did you choose to come? Um, for me? Specifically, I think it was definitely the ability for, like, all the majors to be so flexible. I just have, like, a lot of interests in, like, theater and art and music. A lot of schools kind of make you feel to give to pick and choose. Lawrence was very considerate in that they believe in combining interests in, like, interdisciplinary work. So what's your favorite part about Lawrence? Um, definitely just the close knit community, I think which in some ways can also be like that, depending on how you look at it. Um, and other people feel like it's a bit claustrophobic. I come from a really small town, so it's nice to feel like, um, a little bit of home. A little bit of home but also like you saw that close knit community. You know, it's about a thousand five hundred students or so. What, in your opinion, what is really scary? But, um, okay, probably how small the campuses. That's just like which that's like a pretty minor thing. Like it's, you know, if I'm like only picking apart how small the campus is like, it's a pretty good school, but at least for me, like I wish it was just like a little bit more spread out just cause I enjoy walking.