Gabby: Living in Washington D.C.!

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My name is Gabby Vela, and I am currently a master student here in American University studying accounting. Today I'm gonna be showing you what it's like to live in Washington. D. C currently were in my apartment here in Global Park, which is about a mile a half from American University and a mile from the heart of Georgetown. I'm gonna be showing you some of my favorite places as well as some classic D C staples. Now we're at the Georgetown waterfront, and we're gonna head to the Lincoln Memorial. I'm gonna take this cute little path that is along the Potomac. Mhm. So right now we're the Lincoln Memorial. This'll is one of my favorite places to come visit in D. C. Next up is we're gonna hit all the monuments, and then we're gonna go to the White House. Yeah, way we finally reached the Capitol building, and now we're gonna head to the White House, grab some lunch, and then head up to American universities. Now we're gonna head up Thio American University and Tenley Town Area way are back inside my apartment after a long day out. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it.