Danny Grant - Why I Chose the Kogod MS Analytics
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Hi. My name is Danny Grant and I graduated from the M s Analytics program at co got back in 2016. I had a few years of professional experience, both in the banking and the payroll industries prior to joining the M S Analytics program. Uh, and I had an interest in baseball, and so that led to some personal baseball analytics work that I did on my own prior to joining the program. I didn't really have much of the background and analytics when I first got started, when I was looking for programs, I was looking for something that was obviously dealing with data, but also something that wasn't necessarily overly technical in the sense of, like, software engineering, level of technicality. I just didn't have that background coming from an accounting standpoint. So I was looking for something that was challenging to me, but also not something that was so far beyond my wheelhouse that I just wasn't able to succeed at it. Um, and so with the M s Analytics program, when I was able to find something that kind of stood in the gap between something that was able to relate to the technical folks that were doing the hard core technical work. Then also something that related to the business folks. How do we translate that technical work into business value and something that can deliver for clients or products or things along that nature? And so, with the M s Analytics program, I really found that they were kind of really in the middle, coaching me, helping me learn how to facilitate the communication between these various stakeholders while also driving progress through very complex projects. So my particular program when I joined was the on campus program. The cohort that I was working with was somewhere between 20 people roughly around at the start. By the time we finished, we had around 15, so there was a really strong student to teacher ratio that was going on as we were moving through the program. In addition to that, what I was looking for was a lot of resources and support. At that point in my life, I had just gotten married. I was finishing up a B s in accounting while also taking uh, M s courses trying to get started on the M S Analytics program while also working full time. So I was doing a lot of different things, and I was really looking for an organization, a program that could really help support me in making sure that I have the resources I need to succeed at what I was trying to do. I was willing to put in the work you know, I might need some help along the way. So what I found was a collection of faculty that were extremely engaging and extremely helpful in trying to help me clarify exactly what I was trying to do on this particular project or trying to accomplish this particular paper or exam and people who are really helpful and really willing to extend their time to really make sure that I understood what I was learning. So that's what I really got out of RMS Analytics program.