Bethany: Kogod Application Tips & Tricks
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After applying to a cup of schools, I decided to. watch a watching fun and CO God school of business Webinar and this webinar I was exposed to co God's offerings, the diversity off their offerings and just even more about admissions and financial aid. All that really cool stuff in the webinar after the webinar, I applied to the school number one. If you decide not to submit the jury, they do ask that you do a supplemental supplementary s a just explaining more about your strength as student in which you could bring to the co God table. So my essay topic was about how I got into marking my personal story, which flowed into my love for speakers. I talked about their fear of God by Jerry Lorenzo and how that marketing tactic done by Nike and Jerry Lorenzo's camp really inspired me to tell stories. I was really, really intrigued by the stories that Nike and Jerry Lorenzo and fear of God we're doing that that really pushed me over the edge. Wanna study market? Take number two. When you're writing your essay, be authentic. That's what they look for if they love a good authentic story they could see right through you. And trust me, they memorize your essay Well. After I had applied to the school, I waited and waited and waited. Maybe about three weeks until I got an interview. I interview with Professor Michael Clayton, who is the director of the marketing program, and he was super super cool. Actually, he memorized my essay, which is super super impressive, memorized my resume also, which is super, super impressive. And he gave me a tour of the co got school of business and you told me where you taking my marketing classes, which I thought were super super nice tip number. Make connections with the admissions office, make connections with professors because making those connections now will make your life a lot easier. When you get into God, I promise you. After taking the tour and after having my interview with Professor Clayton, it was about two days. That has to wait until I got admissions letter. I also received a scholarship from the co got school of business just for my academic excellence and my g p A. That I had in undergrad tips on taking the jury. G. Matt, that is very, very much up to you. However, you decide that you are the best test taker, it's up to you. I studied for the jury for almost nine months. I'm not a smooth mathematician, but I'm really, really good on the book happen right now. So I spent a lot of my time on the mass section but didn't spend as much time on the English, uh, vocab section on my phone. I got a lot of APS that helped me study the jury on the go. So go to your phone's APP store and I suggest that you download APS to help you study on the go. If you're on the train, if you're in a long car ride, he just whip it out. Do a couple of vocab do a couple of math questions? And I promise you repetition with Jerry is absolutely