Knox College - Quads (Housing) Tour

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So right now we're heading to the quiet and the quads is like right across the street from the softball field as well as the football field was located right there. So if you are coming from that direction, you're basically just walk down the stairs and then up those you'LL be at the cross, So here we go. You can see we have a bike, writes you can rent a bike or you could bring your home on the range of processes Very easy. All you have to do is basically give them all your information. You still not the number and basically signed a waiver said she would return the bike unharmed and undamaged and stuff like that and they give you a bite. It's about four different areas, like different houses, buildings away. They all are available for block housing, which is just basically you being next to people that you know. As a freshman, you Is this your place anywhere? If you don't know nobody. So that was why I was a with a room with them when I lived there. So right now we're just this only you see some of the bikes right here. This is one of the other car you see, people decorate. Their one goes right now we're in the middle of winter as on film. It's always not pretty, pretty, pretty cold out here, but it's a little chilly that you'll need a jacket and then if you could see over there you see there, there's the tennis court, which I'll show you off after I do this video. If you could see right here is this Conger Neil halls. It says Congress neuro halls on this side and they say It's your song. That is what we call a free store on campus, which is located down those there's it's a fruit store on campus and basically they're, um, way basically, everything is free. People donate clothes, shoes, all types, accessories, and you can take it home for you, just like the sustainability office. We're pretty in the middle of campus, and you see, some people are exiting and entering their house is a little council. So this is Congo knew they're all about the same building. You're Ari actually live and, uh oh, your floor. So that right there, that little hut house looking That is where the ari on duty resides because most of the people on campus does basically become.