Knox College - Meal Plan

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We're going to talk about how the student board plans worked. So each premier plans consist of a specific number of meals and die in dollars, which are non transferrable. So you can't transfer like you have, like, say, thirty dollars left nine dollars. You can't transfer it over to the next terms, and it sucks. Yeah, board meals are for personal use the fun times where there was a need to entertain visiting family your friends. Like when my roommate's family came up here, I swiped you know them to get in the cab, and that was like You could use your gun in dollars as well to help other people. They you know, basically it comes out for of your money. So if they do fight, but you have to be cautious of that Dinan dollars maybe spent like cash, any dining locations. This is where she can basically explained the dining dollars. You can't spit in the CAF because they can't take swipes so wait. So right now we're heading to the quiet and the quads is like, right across the street from the softball field as well. So if you are coming from that direction, you're basically just walk down the stairs and then up those and you'LL be at the cross. You can see we have a bike racks, You can rent a bike or you could bring your home on the range of processes Very easy. All you have to do is basically give them all your information. You still not the number and basically signed a waiver. Said it should return the bike unharmed and undamaged and stuff like that and they give you a bike. It's about four different areas, like different houses. Yeah, they all are available for block housing, which is just basically you being next to people that you know. As a freshman, you Is this your place anywhere? If you don't know nobody. So that was why I was able to room with them when I lived there. So right now we're just this only you see some of the bikes right here. This is one of those the other car you see, people decorate their windows. Right now we're in the middle of winter as on film. It's always not pretty, pretty, pretty cold out here, but it's a little chilly that you'LL need a jacket and then, if you could see.