Freshman Dorm
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So another option for living on campus is in Centennial's. This is C C B. That's my beautiful girlfriend right there. You have your own bathroom so you don't have to worry about communal bathroom waiting the shower, waiting for those things to get clean because they do get dirty. Um, I think someone comes in here to clean every week, right? Yeah. So you have someone that comes in here to clean many fridge, microwave your own desks. I think that's the way to G O. Um, if you ever need to know howto half loft that you can ask someone while you're moving in, it's definitely better than fully lost thing keeping it on the ground. I think it gives you the most room, and it's, like, the most efficient way of doing it. So you have Rosie's market rate down the path, and then you also have try wreck so you can work out, get food. Um, how have you enjoyed living in Centennial? Perfect. It's better than East Way so better than you sway so definitely highly recommend trying to get Centennial.