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So it's a great place to study. It's also a great place to go to just meet up with people and have a good time. So some of your classes may or may not be in the library. Sometimes they do that for math courses as well as other things. There's so many floors at the case, you library. So on the first floor, you'll look to your left and you're going to see a quiet room. That is, for if you want to do any studying that is completely and utterly quiet. Then to your right, you're going to see all the computers, you here to see the information dusk, to ask questions, and you're also going to see this Starbucks. So flash cash is that little credit card meal Plan is obviously what you get if you want to eat food on campus or drinks. Then if you go a little bit past the Starbucks to the left, you go to see the multimedia studio. Most people go on the fourth floor, so there's many floors. A lot of the floors are just books and places to go with a group if you need to work on a projects. The fourth floor is where everybody goes for, like fun studying. So when you see someone there's bean bags, there's Ah Poetry Center. There's a bunch of books, there's computers. There's little iPhone and android, you know, chords for charging your phone, and it's just really nice. Most people go up there for, like, snacking and studying. Like, you go with your friends, you talk, you get stuff done, really relaxed. So we're going to take a look at that in a second. Why don't we go take a look? So here is the outside of the library. There's the escalator to go upstairs and inside You see the star box. You see the computer lab? Starbucks is my favorite part of the library man. Then we have this student multimedia studio where you could make projects going up the escalator. Eventually, we'll have to take the elevator to get to the fourth floor. This is the study rooms with the white board, another study room. We have the scheduled tutoring rooms on other floors.