KSU Dorm Tour
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You No speaky, No see? But you see, I got my hair cut. This is what's on the door, you know, safety crap. When you walk in, I have I put this here because you know, when I get home from class or whatever, I just dropped my keys and my book bag had two big bags. If you want to come and read a magazine, they can. Then you come over here and this is my kitchenette area. Yeah, the 1st 1 I'll be able to go to is on October 8th. Yeah, Um yeah, I get a fridge and I get all this storage space. There's some back here, but this is my to do list. This is my water bottle, some paper towels and a little A I never finished it. As you can see, only three things I crossed out, but another one is a drop to be crossed out. Yeah, you all right? And then to the left of the kitchenette area. On top of my desk, I have a TV, and this side is where I keep some books, keeps them books and activities on this side. My phone thing that came in pencils, pens, highlighters, calculator, some lotion and this lamp that I never put the light bulb in. You work at Gap guys, So yeah, and then I took the keys home from Gap wasn't supposed to, but I did. It was $6. You know, I didn't even plan to make this, but it just happened. Here's a little square mirror from Wal Mart. 5. I have nowhere to put it, but I've got it. Sometimes this is the lamp I turned on that night, you know, to see the books. It's that little area and then going around this is like my bedside table. It's really anything in there now um, on this table, keep tissues this little A and a plant that I got from a store called and that my phone is charging right now. This is a little book of prayers that my mother, who is this That my mom, He got me. Well, the the What's this called you? Oh, it's the, um What's this, My dresser? No, my countertop sink sink. This thing is supposed to go over the toilet, but I put it over here. I keep all my makeup in here, even though I have zero times do makeup in college. You look at it, you see it and then this thing is from Tuesday morning and unanswered ish. I don't put him on the bed because I don't want to. These are just little wall of the core stuff, and I want more. So if you guys know where to get some more for the low low, let me know. Now these air string lights from, like, two years ago, they were on sale after Christmas time. Um, I wanted to use this as a lounge area, but I just use it to store extra school supplies, and then those are the rest of the lights. They used to not work, but then they just started working. Within the time it's about it before I think I did really good on my, um, on my math test today. Is that Cuba? What's I have a Tito's with this, um, outfit. So here's a little overview pan thing of my rooms from adore. Um, yeah, if you guys want to see, I didn't open my closet because it's a hot mess. If you guys want to your closet tour, just let me know. College is really, like, a lot like I just finished my homework, and I'm so happy that I have time to do this before work. I really need to put a word right now, but yeah, I'll do these videos for you guys. Um, I got a lot of homework, so I didn't finish that log. Uh, it's just Should I zoom in on it now? I won't scare you guys. You know, I'll never be satisfied, but I do really like it right now.