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Healthcare, biotech, and life science education with impact.
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Gayle Riggs Student Center, KGI Building 121

The Gayle Carson Riggs Student Center opened in 2019 and provides a casual, lounging space for KGI students to relax and socialize. The Student Center includes a pool table, foosball, television, kitchen, and comfortable seating areas. It is a home away from home for KGI students! Learn more: https://www.kgi.edu/student-life/student-affairs/student-and-campus-life/campus-life/gayle-riggs-student-center/

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Classroom 1110, KGI Building 121

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Entrance, KGI Building 555

Gayle Riggs Student Center, KGI Building 121

Entrance, KGI Building 555

Patio, KGI Building 555

Chan Family Cafe, KGI Building 517

Student Affairs Suite, KGI Building 517

Parking Lots, KGI Campus

Entrance, KGI Building 535

Chan Family Cafe 2nd Floor Study Space, KGI Building 517

Founder's Room, KGI Building 517

Wellness Room, KGI Building 121

Lobby, KGI Building 555

Informal Learning Space, KGI Building 555

Patient Assessment Center, KGI Building 555

Patient Assessment Lab, KGI Building 555

Debrief Room, KGI Building 555

East Entry Way, KGI Building 535

Classroom 35, KGI Building 535

Campus Buildings 121 and 517

Campus Buildings 517, 555, and Streets

West Entry Way, KGI Building 535

Classroom 152, KGI Building 535

Entrance, KGI Building 517 - The Sheldon Schuster Campus Center

Entry Area, KGI Building 555

Entrance, KGI Building 215

Lab 169, KGI Building 517

Classroom 194, KGI Building 517

Classroom 1110, KGI Building 121

Classroom 1110, KGI Building 121
Gayle Riggs Student Center, KGI Building 121
Entrance, KGI Building 555
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