Some examples of a regular classroom

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So right now, I mean Cardwell, which is the math and physics building on and this is kind of style. See there's a projector which can just project on like a blackboard. Still use chalk, uh, you know, blackboards, that kind of thing, the white boards or more now in kind of the new renovated buildings. The older buildings were going to still be seeing Chuck and my boards, but and you're gonna have, like in most Major is your private of some classes and renovated building some classes and nod, and there's kind of a way to avoid it. I just get used to it, But this is sort of the thing. The lecture halls are like this, but quite a bit bigger. I might try Toe walked down the one right now and see if I can't show you inside car, but pretty small. Not like horrible hallways on there's just it's just a whole line of always This is actually pretty unique to the math and physics department Are these little slots? So this is where you would turn it homework so you can see right here this is a math one hundred studio for college algebra. Well, that's just where you would turn in your studio every week. Just whenever the due date is, you slip it into that little slot and boom it submitted. Yeah, so if I just walked out a little bit, but there's also a math and physics library, right? So a lot of the engineering building has a library. James C. Has a library, so that sort of deal is pretty ubiquitous. This is just card will want to so pretty, you know, standard seats and a nice little projector podium. A lot of times during, like math and physics lectures, they'll do demonstrations down that little table. Carlo one o two and one a one they have much longer. They basically just one long table with a bunch of seats at it get there. So here you kind of just have these lengths of tables and all of these tables can You have so swivel chairs and they have little outlets but the little USB and power outlets. So if you were to have, you know, they keep like, you know, the really big lectures in here is like this. You know, some of the basic physics courses and math courses, they but here. You don't worry about dying or anything like that. You just take notes on that? You don't have to worry about charge, which is pretty neat. I don't know if I mentioned it, but they when they take testing for the bigger classes, they put us all into these big lecture halls. So that's Cardwell on This is pretty standard for most of the old ish buildings. Some of them might not be that sort of thing, But there are really big lectures S Oh, I get it. One has somewhere around four hundred students in it s O. Those were pretty big. Then once you get into, you know, your mawr college specific classes. Like, um, I last semester, I had a computer engineering on ly course. So it's just us computer engineers have taken their was fourteen people in the class, so it's a pretty big disparity, but the student to teacher ratio is still pretty good, and there's a lot of tutors, which is which is really nice.