Planes, Trains and Automobiles... and bicycles.
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So something that I thought would be really good to point out is that the travel around campus is really, really easy. There's one right on the other side of that one, and there's one right up there. So multiple back by cracks on every single building, and we're passing right by the engineering parking lot. So if you live off campus really, really easy to get around and get to it from school. Ah, and you know, walking is also obviously an option. I see people walking from off campus all the time and from on campus, obviously, Yeah, so it's really, and it's also a big skateboarding and long boarding. I know there's like I see guys out on the weekends like really late at night. There's, like, ten or twenty guys that all just go along boarding around campus. If you're into that, there's definitely a place for that here, man. People are pretty you know, cooler, respectful about it. You know, if you're on a bike, you can't get out of people's way who are walking and you know this verse.