Jack's Room! A 2x2 suite!

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Sweet is that generally would mean that it would be two people in one room and then a bathroom and that two people in the other room. I knew going into this year, all three of my roommates we signed up for the two by two altogether so that we'd be able to share a bathroom. You know, when we were kind of like thinking about what furniture would want, we said, Hey, how about this? How about we put all of our beds in one room in all of our other stuff in the other room, like our desks and our computers and TVs and couches and all that. So is the sleep room really great eyes? You know, someone was is getting up early life. Like, eight a. M or seven a. M. Then they can just go to bed. You can still hear a little bit from the other room is not as bad. We have two beds, two beds and we used to have a fourth roommate. We no longer have a fourth roommate, eh? So now we just keep a bunch of, like, our extra stuff on this bed, and I'm pretty scared that it's going to fall on top of me one night while I'm sleeping and kill me regardless. So if you're in a normal two by two situation where you don't know everyone, it would be two people in this room with two beds and two desks and all that on, Then a sink and you go through. There's a bathroom that has a nice toilet as shower and then you come into this room and again. Normally, this wouldn't would have two beds, two desks with everyone living it. Since we're smart and special, Way had two couches, two TVs on DH, then our desk. I normally have two roommates a sweat, but they're both gone for spring break. So it's just me on then that you need to worry about that. Yeah, that's that's my room on DH. If you want to do something creative with your room, don't hesitate, you know? So this was again a traditional move by any means, but the dorms were totally okay with it. I know in one of my other videos, I showed I got traditional double. If you know is that traditional Double had carpet in it, that's not normally the case. Normally, it's tile, but they were totally okay with the guys, and they're measuring out the room and bringing in carpet. If you have an idea for something that you want to do with your room, there's a really good chance that the door will be okay with it. At least a good now would've been okay with that. I can't speak for every dorm, but I assumed that the sentiment is pretty similar across campus. The way that the kind of floors are generally divided up is that in like the traditional double space, it's a hallway full of guys with a bathroom, community bathroom and then a whole way full of girls and then a whole way of sweets. Ah, lot of times, you know, two guys hallways and then one girl hallway if there's no sweets or vice versa, something like that. So if you're worried about the community style bathrooms, personally, I didn't mind it. I actually like that, you know, there was always so she's shaking her head at me. I heard from a lot of girls that they were not fans of the community style. I've heard from a lot of guys, and they don't mind it. There are two person sweets, so and it's also one person sweets so you can get in all the sweet basically means that has a private bathroom. So you can have a sweet that's the size of a normal double like then, what else has. It has a bathroom, and in the sweet hallways, it's all coed. So you can like our neighbors, right? There are girls are neighbors over there, guys s. That's just sort of how it works. The sweet hallways were also generally smaller and in a lot of the halls, if there's a basement, normally there's only one wing. Other than that, I would highly recommend first floor on any dorm. Makes it a lot easier for coming and going, since you don't have to take the elevator and it makes it a lot easier from moving in and moving out. I was on the first floor last year and I absolutely loved it. Compared to a lot of my friends that were on the higher floors, it might seem nice, you know, You think how have a view, the view it loses its shine after about a day, not worth. So I would highly recommend a tte first floor if you want convenience and then basement, if you want.